Visit Sahar’s Medium page for latest stories and articles.
“How Do We Celebrate Arab American Heritage Month during an Active Genocide?” LitHub (April, 2024)
“Tree of Life,” Quarter After Eight, (2023), Winner of the Robert J. Mott Short Prose Prize
“Star of Bethlehem,” Prairie Schooner, Special Issue (2023), Winner of Best Fiction
“Sahar Mustafah Finds a Bracelet” from Outside Voices series, Art Institute of Chicago (2022)
“The Peacock,” The Markaz Review (2022)
“The Bodies,” World Literature Online (2021)
"The Case for Teaching Depressing Books," Lit Hub (2020)
"Make America," Peauxdunque Review (2019)
"Small Children," Mizna (2019)
"Lower Paradise Road," Sukoon (2018)
"The Arabians," Two Countries: US Daughters & Sons of Immigrants (2017)
"Mammogram," Minola Review, (2017)
"Men After All," Hypertext (2017)
"Public Pool," Midwestern Gothic (2016)
"New And Gently Used Hijab," Room (2016)
"Code of the West," American Fiction (2016)
"Failed Treaties," The Bellevue Literary Review (2015)
"The Thing Itself," The Grief Diaries (2015)
"The Great Chicago Fire," Story (2015)
"The Oud" Sukoon (2015)
"Wingspan," Hair Trigger 36 (2015)
"A Room of One's Own Without Windows," Chicago Literati (2015)
"No Photo Available," Hypertext (2014)
"Torn," Flyleaf Journal (2014)
"Arabs in Chicago," Great Lakes Review (2014)
"Writing Lessons," Ploughshares Online (2013)
"Light Wash," Mizna (2012)
"Shisha Love," Word Riot (2012)
"Easy to Say," Dinarzad's Children (2009)